It uses facial recognition technology and detects your face for the first time. Now, when you step away from your computer, it starts showing a blured screen and goes back to a normal screen once you return to the computer. Also, when someone tries to do visual hacking behind you, the software pops up and prevents that person from spying.
Physical privacy filters can limit the side view vision and help to protect your data from eavesdroppers (side view). The E privacy filter uses facial recognition technology and reveals the screen for the authorized user only. When any eavesdropper from behind is detected, the user is alerted with a pop-up of intruders face. Also it blurs the face when user looks away or steps away from computer screen. So, physical filters can help you to protect screen from eavesdropping from side view and the e privacy screen filter software helps you to be protected it from any eavesdropper behind you. When the software is combined with a 3M™ Privacy Filter (physical privacy protector) true 180-degree visual privacy is possible.

- Protect your privacy at public places like airports, malls, coffee shops and other common places.
- Protect your laptop, monitor, desktop, tablet screens.
- Protect sensitive and confidential information at workplaces too.
- Concentrate on your work without caring about privacy and visual hacking.
If you are really concerned about data privacy and are always surrounded by people around ithe office or at other public places then you should give this software a try. There are 2 types of versions of this software: Professional and Enterprise. You can also purchase mass licenses and install it at once on many computers in a company.
You can also see this video and get more information about the software:
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