The common questions that every gate aspirant has are how to prepare for gate 2018? What is the paper pattern? From where can I get gate material and books for ece, cse, mechanical, civil, chemical? But before giving answers to these questions, I would like to throw some light on importance of gate score.
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Gate Score is needed for,
(1) Pursuing post graduation in top engineering colleges across India. However top colleges conduct GD and PI rounds too once you are eligible according to their criteria.
(2) The score is also useful for getting job in public sector companies.
(3) To become professor in engineering colleges, you should be having post graduation degree or either you should be GATE qualified.
Gate score is valid for 1 year only so you have to take admission in the same year when you qualify the exam. After 1 year, score of gate exam is of no use. In Gate Examination, you will find questions from all the subjects you studied during your engineering. Courses and topics are subjected to change, so I highly recommend you to go through online gate preparation sites also. These gate preparations provide details like how to prepare for gate 2018, Gate syllabus, Gate news, articles, sample papers and much more.
Gate Paper Pattern
In Gate Examination, you will find questions from all the subjects you studied during your engineering. Each examination contains 10 Aptitude questions apart from the core subjects of candidates. GATE examination is commenced in three hours and it does have 65 questions. These 65 question will have a totally value of 100 marks maximum. Gate examination is conducted in 22 subjects by an online Computer Based Test (CBT). A candidate can choose any one of the following listed subjects.
- Aerospace Engineering (AE)
- Agricultural Engineering (AG)
- Architecture and Planning (AR)
- Biotechnology (BT)
- Civil Engineering (CE)
- Chemical Engineering (CH)
- Computer Science and Information Technology (CS)
- Chemistry (CY)
- Electronics and Communication Engineering (EC)
- Electrical Engineering (EE)
- Ecology and Evolution (EY)
- Geology and Geophysics (GG)
- Instrumentation Engineering (IN)
- Mathematics (MA)
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Mining Engineering (MN)
- Metallurgical Engineering (MT)
- Physics (PH)
- Production and Industrial Engineering (PI)
- Textile Engineering and Fibre Science (TF)
- Engineering Sciences (XE)
- Life Sciences (XL)
Before going through some gate preparation tips, we’ll have a look at gate paper pattern.
There are three sections in the paper for paper codes – AE, AG, BT, CE, CH, CS, EC, EE, IN, ME, MN, MT, PI, TF and XE.
(1) Subject Questions (70% of the total marks)
(2) Engineering Mathematics (15% of the total marks)
(3) General Aptitude (15% of the total marks)
Paper pattern of GATE for paper codes – AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH and XL:
(1) Subject Questions (85% of the total marks)
(2) General Aptitude (15% of the total marks)
Gate Preparations tips
(1) Go through the latest syllabus of GATE thoroughly and make a list of subjects that you need to concentrate. Keep hard copy of syllabus with you.
(2) Don’t read too many books; always read standard books. Some standard publications are Tata McGraw-Hill (TMH), Prentice-Hall of India (PHI), Wiley etc.
(3) Start your preparation prior 5-6 months of gate examination.
(4) Before starting preparation of the examination make proper plan. Decide what you have to study? How many hours you have in a day for GATE preparation? In which areas you are weak and in which areas you are strong?
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Gate Preparation tips |
(5) Solve gate previous papers and also try to read articles or experiences written by previously qualified candidates or toppers.
(6) Practice at least 20-25 questions after completing every concept.
(7) Give online gate mock test as it will help you to increase your speed.
(8) Identify you weak areas based on the test results and work on them.
(9) Most important, work out the numerical problems more instead of just reading lots of concepts.
(10) Join facebook groups and Google+ communities related to gate preparation. From these groups and communities, you can get important gate preparation material.
If you want to prepare for gate without any coaching centre, then follow some online websites for gate preparation for Computer science, Information technology, Chemical, Mechanical, Electronics and Communication, Civil regularly. Solve lots of previous year’s papers and sample papers available online.
List of useful websites for online gate preparation 2018
(1) OneStopGate:
Best site to know all the details of GATE exam and how to prepare for gate. From this site you can get GATE study materials, books, tips and tricks, and even you can download previous years papers.
(2) MadeEasy:
MadeEasy is a good gate preparation site. Basically, this site provides a comprehensive classroom program for gate coaching and test series which serves helpful for the candidates. You can find out all information regarding gate 2015 preparation here.
(3) ArchitectureAptitude:
This site allows you to download instant courses, attend free online classes and mocktest. You can also check whether you are eligible to give the gate exam or not.
(6) TCYonline:
TCYonline is a good online gate preparation site to practise tests and gain confidence. You can find latest GK questions, guidelines of gate preparation for chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, electronic and communication engineering, computer science and information technology.
(7) FreshersWorld:
It is one of the best site for preparation of any kind of interviews and exams. You can hop over the above mentioned link to get well-prepared for the GATE exam.
(8) Mywbut:
You can get preparation tips, previous years solved papers, gate question paper pattern, gate schedule and eligibility.
(9) All About Education:
You will get full preparation guide for your gate examination at one-stop through this website.
(10) Progate:
It is one kind of online coaching for gate exams. You can learn tips and tricks through online classes and give gate online test.
(11) Gateforum:
Gate preparation material and books
(1) Examrace:
(2) Gatestudymaterial:
(3) Qualifygate:
(4) Gate Guide:
On above listed sites, you can get study materials pdf and gate preparation books for ece, cse, civil, chemical, mechanical, mathematictics and much more.
Gate Previous Years Papers
(1) Gate2018:
Gate question papers of all years (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) and all branches are available on this site.
(2) Egate:
You can get year wise gate question papers with solutions year wise and topic wise.
(3) Respaper:
All GATE Solved Papers (Previous Years-2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) are available here. You can get papers of Life Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Textile Engineering And Fibre Science, Production And Industrial Engineering, Physics, Metallurgical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Instrumentation Engineering, Geology And Geophysics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science And Information Technology, Civil, Chemical.
(5) GATECounsellor:
how to prepare for gate 2017
gate preparation tips
is this online coaching free for gate 2016???
Most of them are free. You can access them online.
Any books that someone could recommend for Gate Ecology in particular?
Prepare for GATE 2016 using NPTEL DVDs.
Is that enough by preparing using the buk gk publicatn thoroughly
I found a lot of information through this site, thanks a lot.
very good information i got here for GATE exam thanks a lot to technonutty team is in list of best Website .
GATE 2017 Free Online Test Series
Online Free test series for GATE-2017-18 is FREE and designed for CS, IT, MCA, ME, EC, IN and EE. Detailed solution to every problem and high statistical report is available once student finishes the online test.
15 Subjective Test + 5 Full Length Test
National level performance consisting All India Rank, GATE Score and Percentile
Answers with detailed solution to every problem
View of toppers and the student marks along with the number of right and wrong answers.
Performance report.
Average time taken and accuracy during the test both for the user and ALL users
Comparision of performance by looking into the pichart which gives average time taken, the percentage of right, wrong and unattempted questions by the users
Nice blog aditi, very usefull information for people preparing for GATE
Nice And a lot of information regarding gate exam is available
Really interesting and helpful article about GATE exams Preparation..All exam materials’s details like(books,websites,previous year papers)
are defined very well..
Thanks for published with us..!!!!
Keep up the good work….
Awesome blog buddy. All the mentioned sites are great. I also find blogs of Kreatryx very useful.