Nobody likes a boring conversation. Especially, when you are going to meet someone for the first time, you’d rather try to be interesting than staying dumb and nervous in the entire conversation. After a first impression is necessary to create about yourself in the mind of that person you’ll be talking to. A good communication is one of the major spices of a good and fruitful relationship. When the communication between both the people disappear, the relationship begins to fade and sometimes, break. And hence, you need to maintain a comfortable environment around you and person in order to make your relationship more interesting and awesome. So we are mentioning a list of random questions you can ask your partner when the conversation goes dry.
Random questions to ask a girl
- What are your hobbies?
- If you were granted 3 wishes, what would you ask for, and why?
- If you could do only one unique thing for the rest of your life, what would that be?
- Do you think it’s okay to lie in certain circumstances?
- Which three things you cannot live without?
- Has any movie or book made any big impact on you?
- Did you ever have an imaginary friend as a child?
- Have you ever thought for a second that Hogwarts was real?
- Have you ever fallen for a character in a movie? If yes, then which?
- Have you ever wanted to lie about your age?
- Have you just fallen for someone by just talking to them over the phone?
- Did you ever have alcohol?
- After watching Twilight, which do you love more- Vampires or Werewolves?
- Do you like singing in the shower?
- What is your lucky number?
- What is your favorite color?
- Do you love pets?
- Do you have pets?
- How tall are you?
- Do you like reading books?
- Who is your favorite author?
- Which subjects interest you the most?
- Do you believe in God?
- Do you think it’s right to compare friendship with a romantic relationship?
- Which of my habits annoys you the most?
- Do you think there’s something special about a person’s first love?
- Do you believe in love at first sight?
- If you had a song to dedicate to both of us, which song would it be?
- What would your dream house be like?
- Are you a good writer?
Cool random questions to ask a girl
- Do you like adventures?
- What types of holiday would you prefer?
- Where would your dream holiday be?
- What are the 3 physical features you often get complimented on?
- What are you obsessive about?
- What’s your passion?
- Do you love dancing?
- Which habit of yours are you proud of breaking?
- Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
- Which superhero would you prefer to be? Why?
- What was your last dream about?
- What would you do if you win a lottery?
- What sport are you interested in?
- What can totally impress you?
- What is your favorite pizza topping?
- What are the three things that make you happy instantly?
- What’s your favorite film?
- What’s your favorite song?
- Do you believe a soul mate exists for every person?
- What’s your shoe size?
Funny and Random questions to ask a guy
- What was the last thing you created?
- Who is a better cook your mother or grandmother?
- What book do you wish would be turned into a movie?
- Is there an app that you hate but use anyways?
- What was the last thing that you fixed?
- Could you survive in the wilderness for a month?
- What are some songs you know by heart?
- What piece of technology do you enjoy the most?
- If you could rename the street you lived on, what would you rename it?
- What do your clothes say about you?
- What’s your “going to bed” routine?
- What animal best represents your personality?
- What piece of clothing or accessory can someone wear that immediately makes you have a bad opinion of them as a person?
- Which behaviors make you think a person is creepy?
- Who in the movie business seems the most down to earth?
- What’s the funniest or most amazing cell phone cover you have seen?
- Which musical artist is greatly overrated?
- What company or franchise do you wish would go out of business?
- What’s the perfect temperature to set the thermostat at?
- When was the last time you kissed someone?
Fun random questions
- Who around you has the worst luck?
- What’s your favorite sounding word?
- What’s the weirdest thing that has happened to you in a car?
- If you could fit your whole life into one picture what would it look like?
- What’s something that can’t be found or bought on the internet?
Random questions to ask a guy
- What should the first colony on another planet be called?
- If you put out a magazine, what would you name it and what would be in it?
- If you were challenged to a duel, what weapons would you choose?
- What villain do you really feel for?
- What is the most interesting thing you could do with 400 pounds of cheddar cheese?
- What did you think you were good at but are actually quite bad at?
- What in a trailer automatically makes you assume a movie will be horrible?
- What game do you wish you could act out in real life?
- What are you really happy about being terrible at?
- What would be the funniest thing to fill a piñata with?
- What is the most pleasant sounding name for either a boy or a girl?
- What’s the most nightmarish creature you can imagine?
- If there were internet Olympics, what sports would be in it?
- What is the most interesting game concept you can come up with?
- If the police raided your house right now, what is the most incriminating thing they would find?
- What actor played their character so well that you can’t watch them in any other show or movie without seeing that character?
- What is the funniest thing someone could have in their backyard?
- If you had to break one world record in order to receive one million dollars, what world record would you try to break?
- What first world problem do you have?
- What would be put inside a mental health first aid kit?
- What conspiracy theory do you actually believe?
- What looks delicious but tastes terrible?
- What three activities would you rate 10/10 would do again?
- What song would you pay money to never hear again?
- If you had to replace your hands with objects already in your house, what would you replace your hands with?
Nice random question to ask a stranger
- What kind of music do you like?
- Do you like partying?
- What is your favorite supermarket chain?
- What is your favorite fast food chain?
- What was your first thought on waking up?
- Can you tap dance?
- What’s your favorite zoo animal?
- What’s your favorite food?
- How many family members do you have?
- Do you like kids?
20 random questions to ask people
- What are your regrets in life?
- When was the last time you cried?
- Do you snore while sleeping?
- Have you ever taken advantage of anyone?
- Is your room clean?
- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?
- What 5 words would a close friend use to describe you?
- What is your most treasured possession and why?
- Who is your inspiration?
- How much do you love me?
- Do you dream of a future with me?
- Which is your ideal honeymoon destination?
- Do you approve working married women?
- Did you ever have a crush on your teacher?
- Would you talk to me at night even when you are dead sleepy?
- Are you a virgin? If not, when did you lose your virginity?
- Who do you find most beautiful among my friends?
- What was your first impression about me?
- Do you have any fears that you’d like to get over?
- Are you still friends with your ex?
21 random questions to ask someone
- If you could have sex with any of three Hollywood personalities, who would they be?
- What do you notice first about your opposite sex?
- Would you ever date 2 people on the same day?
- Have you ever been arrested or charged with a crime?
- Did you ever go home drunk?
- What do you prefer doing at your free time?
- How would you deal with a difficult mother-in-law?
- What is your biggest strength?
- What is your biggest weakness?
- What are your career aspirations and dreams?
- Which is the toughest thing you’ve ever done?
- What is your idea of a perfect Valentine’s Day?
- If I ask you to dedicate a song to me, what song that would be?
- What are the 3 things you can do to cheer me up?
- Do you believe in the seven births companionship concept?
- What is your favorite dish?
- Who is your favorite actor/actress?
- Which is your favorite movie?
- Would you ever spend a day in the woods or at the beach?
- Tell me a sporting event you’ll never forget.
- Which job in the world would you love to do?

Random Questions
Random questions to get to know someone
- What is the most embarrassing moment in your life?
- Who was your first girlfriend/boyfriend?
- Why did you break up with him/her?
- Which is your dream car?
- What is your most awkward dream?
- Are there any causes you firmly believe in?
- What makes you bored?
- What’s your favorite video game?
- How would you describe your dance style?
- Would you slow dance with me if we were the only ones on the dance floor?
- Have you ever eaten sushi?
- What other foreign foods have you tried?
- You see a bear charging at you, what do you do?
- What kind of water sport appeals to you?
- What’s your favorite Leonardo Di Caprio movie?
- When you go to the movies, do you visit the concession stand or sneak in your own snacks?
- Have you ever told a lie?
- If you could choose any actor to play you in a movie about your life, who would it be?
- What was your favorite 80’s movie?
- How many states have you lived in?
- Do you like pranks?
- What is your favorite month of the year and why?
- If you were on a deserted island and only had 3 books to read for the rest of your life, what would they be?
- Would you describe yourself as a good cook?
- Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket?
- What was your favorite thing to play on the playground as a kid?
- Do you like bugs?
- Have you ever eaten any bug during childhood?
- Do you know how to change a diaper?
- What if you found out your father was gay?
- What is your preferred morning beverage?
- How often do you exercise?
- What is your stance on men wearing yoga pants?
- What is your favorite brand of clothing?
- If I were to treat you out to dinner, would it be weird?
- Can you do an Elvis impression?
- Do you think babies are cute?
- Who is the hottest celebrity?
- If you were a character on The Simpsons, who would you be?
- Do you prefer boxers or briefs?
- If you get a hole in your clothes, do you prefer to fix it or toss it?
- Have you ever dressed up like a girl?
- Have you ever been to Disney World or Disneyland?
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